A whole fish on the barbecue can sometimes be a little intimidating. But don’t worry, it’s a lot less exciting than it looks. In fact, it’s actually quite easy. Rainbowtrout is a fish on the smaller side, but that doesn’t detract from its flavour. The cilantro from the rub goes well with the fresh cilantro used in the tomato salad, as does the mint with the citrus flavour of the lemon.
- 2 whole rainbowtrout
- 1 lemon
- Bunch of fresh coriander
- 3 tomatoes
- 1 Turkish bread
- 1 pack of butter
- Not Just BBQ Moroccan Rub
- Salt and pepper shaker
- Not Just BBQ herbbutter mix
- Oliveoil
- Barbecue that can grill directly
- Coals, firelighters, etc. to light the barbecue
- Cutting board
- Knife
- Pair of tongs
- 3 containers
- Brush
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Preparation rainbowtrout
1. Prepare the barbecue so that you can grill immediately
2. Make sure the rainbowtrout is clean. The fish we used was already cleaned on the inside, except for some traces of blood. Dab this with a piece of paper and feel if there are any scales left. If so, carefully scrape them off with a knife or a fish scraper. Make 3 incisions in the flesh of the fish.

3. Mix the rub with some olive oil in a bowl to make a wet rub. Brush this over and into the rainbowtrout. Slice the lemon and place it in the fish. You can tie 2 strings around the fish to prevent the lemons from falling out, but this is optional.
4. Use a paper towel to spread some olive oil on the grill rack to grease it well. By greasing both the fish and the rack, you prevent the fish from sticking, which can sometimes happen. You can also choose to put the fish between a fish clamp. This prevents the fish from sticking and the lemon stays in the fish.

5. When the barbecue has reached a temperature of 140-160°C, place the rainbowtrout on it. Grill for about 6 minutes per side. The fish is ready when it has turned white on the inside and the skin has become crispy.

6. Chop the tomatoes, onion and coriander and put them in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well.

7. For the herb butter, all you need to do is let some butter come to room temperature so that it is soft enough to mix. Add about 1 tbsp of herbs to 100g of butter. For a stronger flavour, add more herbs. Mix this well. Cut the Turkish bread into slices and spread the herb butter on it.
8. Once the rainbowtrout is done, remove it from the barbecue. Spoon some of the tomato salad onto your plate, with a piece of bread and enjoy!